1. Did you have any objectives at the beginning of the academic year? Which?
2. Which of them did you achieve/not achieve? Why?
3. Please, describe your participation in the lessons. Are you happy with the way you worked in class?
4. Please, describe your work at home? Are you happy with your independent work?
5. What would you recommend pupils of 10 form next year? What would you tell them to do to achieve the best results?
6. Where did you use English during the year?
7. Write your opinion of the special courses: a) Writing Course b) The British Isles.
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1. Yes, I had. I Wanted to learn more new words, improve my grammar skills and also read more in english.
2. Some of them came true. For example, I have learnt a lot of new words and read a lot of stories, books, magazines etc in english. But I understand that my grammar skills are not perfest, so I have to improve it.
3. In the lessons I try to listen attentivily and work as good as I can. Yes, I was happy in our english lessons, cause I really enjoyed them.
4. At home I read a lot and worked in the Internet. I like that I worked independently and I had a chance to discover a lot of interesting things.
5. I wish them a lot of success. In my opinion, they will achieve the best results only if they will enjoy learning English. They have to watch more English language films and read in it. Talking with native speaker is also one of the best ways to learn English.
6. In the Internet when I was speaking to my friends from other countries. Also I used English when I was watching English movies or cartoons and even when I was reading books in english.
7. a) Writing Course- writting course was very useful, because we all will need it in our lives. Now I can write a correct lettors.
b) The British Isles- Now I know a lot of amazing facts of British Isles. I love reading especially in English. So I can say that The British Isles course was the most interesting and memorable.
1. At the beginning ot the year I wanted to do all homeworks, read in English more and try to practice more.
2. I archieved all this objectives, because I need 5 in English.
3. At this year I was more active, than always. I love English lessons, because every lessons were interesting and attractive.
4. I read some English books, at the beginning it was very difficult, but it was good expirience.
5. Main recomendations are DO ALL HOMEWORKS and WORK HARD.
6. I watched films and read books in English.
7. In my opinion The British Isles was the most interesting course in the year. On the writing course I had to know many of new.
1) Yes. My objective was to start speaking free in english.
2) This objective is half completed. I think so becouse we have a very small practise - our english ending on english lessons.
3) I wasn't very active, but the way like i was working in class is comfortable for me.
4) I learnt a lot of new words at home. This independent work with text is useful.
5) They need to work a lot at home, becouse as for us, the exam in the end of 12th is required.
6) Nowehre excluding the class.
7) Maybe this courses are important for our exam prepare. And a lot of reading and studying texts helps to study and use new words.
1.Yes,objective was to have knowledge
2.I achieved all that wanted.I learned a lot
3.When I could answer the question, I did it and I happy with the way I worked
4.I liked homework because it wasnt very hard and teacher gave us a lot of time for this homework
5.Study all material which teacher give
6.I used English in project and when I was abroad.
1. My first objective was do homeworks and more to answer at lessons.
2. I began to put more efforts for studying English.
3. I tried to answer more at lessons and I did it.
4. I tried more red English newspapers, books and more speak in English at home.
5. Study, study and study.
6. I am using English at the school lessons, at home and at the Internet.
7. Writing course was very hard for me but I learned a lot of the new. The British Isles course was very interesting. I receive a lot of new about The United Kingdom.
1. At the beginning of the academic year I had any objectives. I wanted to learn English better and more to talk in English.
2.I achieved all of my objectives. I talked in English very much and now I know a little better the grammar of English.
3.I very like English lessons, despite difficulties. In english lessons I very like to write letters and very like to learn texts, beacuse I speak in this language much and always try to get used to the correct pronunciations to speak then without mistakes.
4.Some homeworks weren't pleasant to me, and generally I am very happy, that sometimes I not don't carry out them depends not on complexity of tasks and from me, as a whole homeworks not so difficult and if difficult, always there will be the one who will help.
5.Just work and try to be more active at lessons. And I reccomend remember, that everything depends on them.
6.I used English, unfortunately only in lessons.
a.)In writing course it was necessary to write much and sometimes I was tired. But it's good, beacuse when you you write it is a lot of, you more or less remember correctness of the writing of words.
b.)It was very interesting. I now I know more or less cultures and traditions of the countries of the British Isles and even learning texts, became better to know a pronunciation of these or those words.
1. Yes. The main objective was to study as good as possible.
2. I achived that. I simply... Studied... I spent a lot of time...
3. Actually, I think, I am not very active... But I am very happy with the way I worked in class.
4. I worked hard... And I think... I am not happy... I think, it was not nesessary sometimes.
5. What can i recommend? Only 2 things: study more and learn languages... Nothing else.
6. I used English... when I studied. Sometimes I communicated with people from another countries.
a) Writing Course - everything is good
b) The British Isles - everything is good...
1. At the beggining of the academic year I have some objectives:do the homework and speak more in the English lessons.
2. I began to speak more. it is well for me.
3. When I am interested in lesson I am happy, but sometimes lessons were boring and hard. And was difficult to study.
4. Sometimes yes. I am happy my independent homework because, I have good results in lessons or in the tests.
5. I recommend pupils of 10 form next year, that they must to be ready for every lessons.
6. During the year, I used the English on the Internet to speak some persons or I read something.
7. About writing course: it was tme most boring course of English in my life. Every day we wrote wrote and nothing else. But I studied to write letters email and etc... About The British Isles: It was very interesting course of English. I learned a lot of the new Information about The British Isles.
1. I had an objective to improve my knowledge of English to know it even better and better.
2. I think I archieved my objective. I learnt some new material. And I know British history well now.
3. I suppose I have been active in all English lessons. I have done all I should have. I'm satisfied with the way I worked in the lessons.
4. I did all homework. Moreover, I'm happy I hadn't got so much homework.
5. I recommend pupils to be active and attentive (including studying at home). If something is difficult or unclear, there is need to ask for help.
6. I used English in lessons, in England and sometimes in talking during the year.
7. a) I liked it most, because I love grammar and different exercises. It's good that we studyied many forms of letters (it's neccesary to know it at the exam).
b) It was a useful and interesting lesson. I'm happy that I know many intereting facts about the UK and I can use this information when I'll be in England again.
1.To learn new about the countries,their traditions, holidays and culture.
2.I learned many traditions,culture of the British Isles.
3.Yes i happy with the way i worked in class.There was many practical operation, such as games.
4.Houses I read the textbook on English, it was interesting.Yes i happy with my independent work.
5.More to read English books and to study at lessons.
6.within a year I think only at school.
7.Writing Course:Course influencing grammar and on speech of the pupi.
The British Isles:Interesting course about The British Isles,showing what traditions holidays are available on the British Isles.
1) Of course. In the end of the year i wont 4.
2) I achieve my objective.
3) Im happy with the way I worked in class. Now I know more about British Isles and Northrend Ireland.
4) At home I learnt many texts and read book called The British Isles.
6) On lessons and in Internet.
7) a)In my opinion the written part not expecially was pleasant for me.
b) In my opinion the best part of courses but learn texts very much.
1)I know a lot of about traditionals in UK.
2)made a presentation,that halped me learn about the UK.
3)I don't consider that at lessons i was a passive, I think,that I answered correct.
4)I am happy a my work.
5)unfortunality I can`t recommend somewthing pupuls of 10 from next year.
6)only at english lessons
1.At the beggining of the academic year I have objective to speak to the class in english, learn about british culture and expand my vocabulary.
2.I think my speaking in english became better.Sometimes were difficult, but the work was not very hard.
3.I am happy with the way I worked in class. At the lessons I tried to listen in class and understand the material.
4.I'm not very happy with my work at home because I do very little English there. Just do my homework.
5.Pupils of 10 form next year, who want to achieve the best results, would more learn at home. Also they can listen some english programms or speak with english friends.
6.During the year I use english at the english lessons and sometimes at home in the internet I spoke in english.
7.I think special courses such as Writing Course and The British Isles is more comfortably for pupils, because they can learn about only grammar or only english traditions.It is more easier I think.
1.Yes, I have any objectives at the beginning of the academic year. Join in new class and find friends. Of course get good marks.
2.I found in this school many new friends.In the 10th class was difficult to study and I think that my marks could be better.
3.My participation in the lessons can describe several words, I listen and remember, some times i can answer. Yes, I'm happy with the way you worked in class.
4.I'm happy with my work at home, because I find a lot of information , which for me very interesting.
5.I recommend pupils of 10 form next year give more time to study and receive good marks. To achieve the best results you should kill lezyness.
6.I use English, when I speak with my friends. The British Isles course was more interesting, than Writing Course. I'm happy that now I know more about the British Isles.
1. At the beginning of the academic year I had any objectives. I wanted to learn English better and more to talk in English.
2.I achieved all of my objectives. I talked in English very much and now I know a little better the grammar of English.
3.I very like English lessons, despite difficulties. In english lessons I very like to write letters and very like to learn texts, beacuse I speak in this language much and always try to get used to the correct pronunciations to speak then without mistakes.
4.Some homeworks are difficult for me and I didn't like them, but some homeworks I like. But if some homewrosk really are difficult, always is this person, who can help.
5.Just work and try to be more active at lessons. And I reccomend remember, that everything depends on them.
6.I used English, unfortunately only in lessons.
a.)In writing course it was necessary to write much and sometimes I was tired. But it's good, beacuse when you you write it is a lot of, you more or less remember correctness of the writing of words.
b.)It was very interesting. I now I know more or less cultures and traditions of the countries of the British Isles and even learning texts, became better to know a pronunciation of these or those words.
1) I wanted to improve my English and to expand lexicon
2) I tried to read more English literature at the beginning, but time wasn't enough.I often don't understand grammar, it is difficult for me. I can't write letter without dictionary.
3)I like to work in the class, especially in oral form, i like tests but don't like writing the letters.Often You give us the very interesting work, such as books reading, where we learn something new
4)I'm happy with my independent work. I like to do the presentations and stories.The most important that I shouldn't to hurry up myself
5)I think that the most important is the work in class and read at home
6) I use my English in a communicating with foreigners.
7) I don't like Writing Course, it was the most difficult course. I worked very much, but turned out nothing good. The British Isles is very pleasant and interesting course. I learned a lot interested new facts about the British Isles
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